
Posted: March 10, 2012 in Uncategorized, Welcome

Before I lay out the guidelines and intention of this blog I would like to bid you a warm welcome, whoever is reading this I greatly appreciate your time and I hope you can find what I write interesting, challenging and perhaps even supportive.

I have been considering starting this blog for almost two years and it has been quite a mental, spiritual and emotional battle to get to this point. I first thought about making it my personal site but decided against it; it seems sad but I didn’t want to be identified. As with many pseudonymous writers I feared for how people would consider my integrity and my faith if I posted some of the reflections I have wanted to, so I have no identifying features on this site in order that anonimity can be maintained. Some will call me fearful, others sensible, I don’t mind either way.

Sometimes the questions and issues that arise at an evangelical Bible College are important, sometimes I feel the need to offload about perceptions surrounding an issue or I feel there are people like me who need support in how they feel; this is the purpose of my blog. I promote anonimity but do not require it, what I do ask is that this blog remains a supportive yet challenging environment. It is not my desire to gain internet fame, I would just like to help people who have gone through similar issues to me in my time at Bible College.

The first major post will be coming shortly, I should also point out I am not doing any publicity for this other than through word of mouth as my pseudonym so please, if you feel that you want to share what I write for any reason I would encourage you to share it through social media. I will shortly be setting up a Twitter account and possibly, if it gets that far, a Facebook page.

Thankyou, and God bless.



  1. James says:

    Hey, I look forward to reading your posts! It certainly sounds as though the position you are coming from will make them an interesting read :).

    • James says:

      Also I just wondered if there was any chance that you would be tweeting as your pseudonym at all? At least to announce new blog posts? I just find this makes blogs a lot easier to follow.

    • Hi James, I have just set up a Twitter account! Feel free to recommend my page or my Twitter feed, or not as the case may be!
      I will be following your blog with much interest as well! I need to seek out more like-minded people…

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